Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Shoutout to My Husband

So I was at a conference two weeks ago, and we were doing some touchy feely thing that I don't get too jazzed about.  Maybe I'm too cynical; maybe I'm too easily sucked in.  Whatever the case, I was doing this thing about who I am.  I started writing.  "I am a mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher"...wait a minute!  I didn't put down wife first.  That made me sad.  It made me so sad that I began to openly weep, which is something that I do not do often.  I mean, I'm a crier, but I usually reserve my crying for people I know.  But there I was, crying in front of perfect strangers, trying to figure out why I hadn't put wife in the top three. 
I love my husband.  He is patient; he is kind; he is a partner in our relationship; he is probably the best father on the planet. He is also the laundry guru.  My only contribution to laundry is buying the soap he likes when he tells me to do so. So what was up with his being late on the list?  I decided right then that I would make a point to tell my husband not only that I love him, but that I also appreciate him.  I promised myself that I would do this more than I have been doing it (which, to be honest, wasn't much). 
So I have been thinking about other women out there who may be like me and love their husbands, but may not appreciate them as much as they should.  Below is the list of things that I think are awesome about my man in no particular order:
  1. He loves me a lot.
  2. He adores our children.
  3. He is more patient with me than I am with him.
  4. He's smart, like, really smart.  He's a lot smarter than I am.
  5. He's funny.  A day does not go by when I don't at least chuckle at his jokes.
  6. Laundry...enough said.
  7. He wakes me up in the mornings at the desired times (they differ, mind you, and he remembers which day goes with which times).
  8. He gets the kids ready on the weekdays.  All I do is take them to and from daycare.
  9. He used to take them to and from daycare; in fact, he did this for four years until he moved schools.
  10. He gets up with the kids every weekend and plays with them while I wallow in bed.
  11. He makes pancakes every Sunday.
  12. He listens to my dreams, and he supports me, even when I decide to do something ridiculously time consuming (this blog~well, given my lack of posts...~, a book in the making, running for name it, he has been supportive and level headed).
  13. He plays with our children, he loves our children, and he is patient and kind with our children. 
  14. He takes care of all of the finances, but he shares the information and recognizes my ability to make educated decisions on the money.
  15. He's a great kisser.
  16. I never have to go to the post office because he has some sort of love affair with them...I don't get it, but I sure do appreciate not having to go.
  17. He loves me a lot.  I know I already said this, but it is worth mentioning again.  I enjoy being loved this much. In fact, I revel in it.  
I could continue to go on extolling the virtues of the man I love.  I thought that you might want to think about how wonderful your partner is.  Men get a bad wrap these days.  Maybe we need to appreciate them more and harp about their shortcomings less.  Just a thought from a mom and a wife whose view on things is a bit skewed but getting better (see above).