Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Raw End of the Deal...

Snowmaggedon 2011 has wrecked havoc on the five of us.  My children are rosy literally from head to toe, and the dog is ready to sell one or both children into slavery.  Poor guy has been pounced, pulled, and bitten by the kids. Three days without any means of getting out and about is not for the weak of heart. For those of you who don't live in the south, you would be wise to remember that when snow hits, the state pretty much shuts down, thus leaving innocent parents to actually spend lots of time with their offspring.  You should also be advised that in Georgia, buying booze on Sunday is not allowed.  So while we were all wise in hoarding bread and milk, we were unable to stock up on the finer things in life.  I tell you, sledding with your children is probably a lot more fun with a coffee laced with something.  I would have taken anything today, but all I got was fat free half and half.
But today I have come up with a wonderful invention.  I should preface this with the fact that I am an idea person.  Follow through is not my forte.  I do it when I have to, but then and only then.
Before the brain child is unveiled, I'd like to give a little background.
The kids have been sledding a lot.  The neighbors have all collectively submitted boogie boards. mini-surf boards, and one transplant actually had a real sled.  It was fun watching them take turns going down a side yard with a steep hill.  Until the three year old got tired of waiting and decided that her posterior would work just as well.  Daddies were in charge at the moment, and I was chatting it up with the other mommies when I looked and saw my daughter scooting/sliding down the hill on her tuckus.  I mentioned to her that this was probably not a good idea, but was immediately silenced by all who were in attendance.  Call me a lot of things, but please don't call me a helicopter mom.  I will take offense.  I shut up, and she continued down the hill multiple times without assistance from any sort of sledding device. 
About an hour later, I decided that it was time to go in.  The baby was crabby, I was cold, and dinner wasn't going to make itself.  Off we went.
After the obligatory changing of the wet clothes into the dry ones for the thirtieth time today, we settled down for some coloring and cooking.  All was well until the girl child decided that her bottom itched..."very, very bad."  I made her drop trou and was horrified to discover that she had what I will refer to as Ice Rash.  It looked like she had face planted on ice except with her other end. 
Now I am no doctor, but I immediatetly became one for a moment and took action.  I lubed that kid up within an inch of her life.  A&D Ointment, Cetaphyl, Vaseline, and that stuff for burns.  I put her in cotton jammies, and am hoping for the best. This the point where I ask for confirmation that I am, indeed, a good parent, and did the right thing with all the lotions and potions.  Thanks for the comments below.
Now this is where the invention comes in.  I have another one that is equally brilliant, but it can wait until another date. It's a Slickersuit!  I can envision the commercial now: "It's a slicker!  It's a snowsuit!  It's the all new Slickersuit!'  There will be cherubic toddlers and children running around and body sledding down hills staying toasty and dry all the while.  Parents will look on fondly as they drink hot cocoa (hopefullly they will have had more forethought than I and gone to the package store on Saturday) and smile knowingly that they haven't a care in the world when they get home.  All clothes under the Slickersuit are dry, and the wonderful parent simply hangs the suit up in the garage to dry.  As an added bonus, the Slickersuit  could have a zip in furry/fuzzy lining, or it could be used alone for spring and puddle jumping. 
Whatsay you?  Any enterprising person with follow through want to tackle this?  Copyright it yourself.  Just remember your humble parent when you make your first million  I accept checks and money orders. 
God, I am brilliant!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to burst your bubble, the sled was bought at an Ace Hardware in the local area. Yes, we are transplants (me NY and him FLA), but that was bought to keep the child in HIM happy.
